Posted by on May 26, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

Mark Barnes serves on the Ordain Women Executive Committee as Treasurer and chair of the Male Allies committee.

Red heart, cracked down the middle

As a young man living in patriarchy, I was taught to love abstract ideals more than people of flesh and bone.

As a young man living in patriarchy, there was nothing greater than to sacrifice my life for God, Church and Country.

As a young man living in patriarchy, my Country was lead by old white men.

As a young man living in patriarchy, only old white men stood at the head of my church.

As a young man living in patriarchy, I was shown pictures of an old white man, and told, “this is God!”

As a young man, I learned that obedience to patriarchy is everything.


When it came time to love, old white men told me a secret.

Don’t worry about who you love, they said. As long as she is devoted to us, you will be just fine.

When it came time to love, real women with hearts beating in their chests did not matter.

Real hearts, real flesh, real minds had to be subdued.

When it came time to love, real love had to be restrained.

When it came time to love, devotion and obedience to patriarchy had to reign.


Children came, and I became a patriarch.

Children came, and the old white men spoke again.

Children came, and they had to learn obedience to those old white men.

Children came, and they must be taught that love is just a secondary thing.

Children came, and my duty was to teach devotion to the abstractions of patriarchy.

“Dear children, more than love, devote yourselves to the demands of God, Church and Country!”


One day, I had the courage to peak behind the curtain.

One day, I saw that old white men are just old white men.

One day, I learned that devotion to old white men led my life to ruin.

One day, the spirit whispered that love matters more than patriarchy.

One day, the spirit said that all of God’s children are equal in her eyes.

One day, I learned that true love can only exist with true equality.


Now I understand that obedience to the patriarchy is the road to unhappiness.

Now I understand that obedience is not morality.

Now I understand that all of God’s children are of equal worth in this world.

Now I understand that patriarchy and devotion to abstract ideas is the big lie.

Now I understand that Love matters most.

True Love cannot exist where patriarchy reigns.