Posted by on Mar 28, 2017 in Actions, Blog | 0 comments

There are spaces in The Church that women long to be and rites they long to participate in.

Meme. The background is a gradient in purple, dark purple in the lower left-hand corner fading to white in the upper right-hand corner. The text reads, “This birthright belongs to us all. Conscience knows no gender.” -Mormon Newsroom 3/8/17. There are two photos.  In the first picture, eleven men stand in a circle, holding a baby in the center of the circle for a baby’s blessing.  The baby is wearing a white dress and bow. In the second picture, the men and background have been removed, and the baby is suspended, alone. The bottom of the meme has the Ordain Women logo and the hashtags #MoreWomen #Possibilities #OrdainWomen

#MoreWomen #Possibilities #OrdainWomen