Posted by on May 1, 2014 in Actions | 0 comments

6 discussions

Celebrate the 185th Priesthood Restoration Anniversary with Ordain Women! We are releasing the 1st of our Six Discussions pamphlets on this historic day, and invite you to tune in for a public, live launch party with OW leaders via Google Hangout On Air on Thursday, May 15, 2014 at 7pm MST. If you have a Google+ account, click here to watch, RSVP, and on May 15 you can submit questions that OW leaders can respond to in real time. You can also watch it live right here on our site. In the meantime, watch Kate Kelly’s explanation of what the OW 6 Discussions are:

If you do not have a Google+ account, you can also watch it live on Ordain Women’s Youtube channel here. Tweet questions to us @OrdainLDSWomen about our Six Discussions  7pm MST, and we will answer them live.

We have released our Getting Started Packet with tips on how to start an OW discussion group, and we will answer your questions about it at the launch.  Everyone will have 1 week to read the Discussion One packet, and the first Discussion Google Hangout will air live on May 22nd at 7pm, Discussion Two’s hangout will air May 29th, etc. All of the packets and videos of the Six Discussions hangouts will be archived on our site under ACTIONS so that you can also access them on your own whenever you have time.

Please RSVP to the launch party on Google+ here, or here on facebook, invite your friends, and join us for our newest initiative!

Discussion 1: See the Symptoms

Discussion 2: Know the History