Posted by on Aug 23, 2014 in , | 0 comments

I’m a graduate student, a musician, a blogger (which really means a serial ranter :), a returned missionary, a sister, a writer and a life-long Mormon. I graduated from Brigham Young University. I’ve had Relief Society callings, music callings, been to girls camp, trek, was seminary president, and on church committees.

I believe that woman should be ordained if they have the desire to serve their God in that way. I think that the priesthood should not be based on anything but a righteous desire to serve God. I think that leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have confused the priesthood with bureaucratic authority, church culture with gospel. And I feel it is looking more like the Pharisees of the New Testament and the Great Abominable Church spoken of by Nephi than Christ and his simple gospel of love. I support the free speech of people like Kate Kelly, who push the boundaries, just like Christ did. We need to actively push against the passive acceptance of the status-quo, those who would say “All is well in Zion” and “We have received and we need no more” (2 Nephi 28). May God bless those courageous few who have accepted the calling from God to speak out about injustice.

I believe that woman should be ordained.