Posted by on Sep 4, 2013 in , | 0 comments

Listen to Catherine’s podcast interview here:

Mormonism is my heritage, an influence that has shaped my life more than any other. Mormonism taught me that all are alike unto God; this remains the truth I hold most strongly to. Although I was never comfortable with the gender roles I learned about at church, I hoped that I would find peace and fulfillment when I married in the temple and had children. I’m now sealed to a good man and have two darling children. When my husband needs comfort, I long to be able to offer him blessings of guidance and peace. I yearn to be part of the circle that confirms my children after their baptisms and to be able to offer them blessings of healing when they are sick. I’m told that the blessings of the priesthood are available to all, but I ache to experience the blessing of laying soothing hands on the head of a loved one and speaking for the Lord. I’m worthy, I’m willing, and I believe that God is willing, too. I believe women should be ordained.