Posted by on Apr 12, 2013 in | 0 comments

Mormonism runs deep within me. It is the strength of my love for life and all goodness that may be mine. I have a deeply personal relationship with God, my Father and my Mother. They are one, united as male and female, the creative force of this universe. They give life and light to everything. Their love knows no bounds. They cause Their rain to fall on the just and the unjust. Their power is to draw all of creation to fill its full measure. I have felt this power; I feel it every day. I feel it in the earth–I can smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it, and see it. It is part of me.

The power is magnified and seems to know no bounds as I have been sealed to a marvelously intelligent and truly beautiful woman. Our love overflows and is beyond expression in the miracle of becoming parents to four autonomous, intelligent, and beautiful children. We have two daughters and two sons. We are connected eternally by the love that emanates from our Heavenly Parents and is now a well within our own hearts springing up unto eternal life. This is God’s power, the power of our Mother and our Father in heaven.

My wife and I share this power, and its fullness comes as we learn to love more completely and be more united in both our individuality and our interdependence. Together, and only together, can we fully channel it. I believe that we are about to receive further light and knowledge about the nature of priesthood, of male and female, and of God’s power because we are sincerely seeking to understand and be worthy of it. I believe that women should be ordained and that there will be a flood of joy and light and love when that day comes. We will rise out of the darkness and into the light of deeper understanding. I have no fear, for I know that the love of my Heavenly Parents transcends all boundaries and penetrates all things. I am grateful to be part of that.