Posted by on Apr 16, 2013 in , | 0 comments

I’m a convert to Mormonism from New England. I joined the Church while I was a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Brown University. Now I’m a professor in Utah. My hobbies include running, studying Mormon history, playing video games, and hanging out with my awesome kids. I’ve loved serving in the church as a Gospel Essentials teacher, a youth Sunday School teacher, in Elders Quorum presidencies, and especially as a home teacher. The simplest reason I am Mormon is that “Mormonism is truth; and every [person] who embraces it feels . . . at liberty to embrace every truth” (Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith, Chapter 22).

“When I read the scriptures about the eternal destiny of families, it is very clear to me that God, who is “no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34), allows us to read many scriptures as referring to both men and women, such as  “. . . ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests” (Exodus 19:6) and ” . . . [He] hath made us kings and priests” (Revelation 1:9). Indeed, as an article in the November 1975 New Era suggests, women may substitute “queens and priestesses”.

Since this destiny is obvious, the real question is then, “Can this blessing be given today?” I was delighted to read the transcript of a 1997 TV interview with President Gordon B. Hinckley, in which he affirmed that it is indeed a possibility today if the Lord sees fit.

I feel that a crucial part of Mormonism is taking upon ourselves the responsibility of building the kingdom of God on Earth and desiring to move toward it. Since we know that priestesses are a part of the kingdom of God, I would like to strive to be both an individual and part of a community that is ready for such a change.

I do not believe it is appropriate to participate in protests. Since Ordain Women does not protest, as explained in their various FAQs, I am comfortable participating in this site. I believe in supporting one another in our beliefs and righteous desires, in particular our shared desired for equal fellowship with women through, for example, ordination.

When we are ready for it, and the prophets will know when we are, I believe women should be ordained. I hope the time is nigh.