Posted by on Feb 13, 2014 in , | 0 comments

My faith has sustained me as I moved more than ten times throughout my childhood. Despite my changing surroundings the support of my God and my religion was constant. I love cats and love crocheting. I also love to travel and to meet new people, a side effect of constant moving. I’m graduating from University soon and couldn’t be more pleased. I married recently and that has provided my life added dimension and joy.

I treasure the Gospel and the sacred beliefs that come with it, including the belief in a living prophet. If I doubted that this was the Gospel of Christ these questions would not compel me. It is only because of my faith that I wrestle with these thoughts: Is my God the author of gender inequality in our church? Is it Heavenly Father who forbids his daughters from using the divine powers of the Priesthood as his sons do? Does my Father not trust me or my sisters to guide and serve in the church? I believe the answer to all of these questions is a resounding “No!” But regardless of the answer, these questions deserve to be voiced and responded to in love.

I have a firm hope that my Heavenly Parents see me for the individual I am and what I’m capable of as their child, rather than seeing me as a daughter with limited potential. I believe that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and I believe in the sacred power of the Divine and in the saving powers of the Gospel. But I do not have the same faith in the organization. Just as the organization of the Priesthood expanded to include those male members outside of the Tribe of Levi, I believe that the organization can expand to welcome all worthy members regardless of gender. 

I believe that denying women divine authority and power is a detriment not only to the women of the church but to the church as a whole. I believe in the importance of petitioning the Lord in respect with carefully pondered questions.

I believe women should be ordained.