Posted by on Sep 11, 2013 in , | 0 comments

I’m Rolf. I’m an academic, husband of the love of my life and proud father of two amazing girls. I’m a lifelong Mormon and I love my faith. I’ve loved and appreciated the chance to grow through leadership callings in the Elders’ Quorum and in a District Presidency.

Mormonism gives the best parts of my life even more beauty and meaning. My marriage with my wife has meant the chance to share my life with my best friend, building together the relationship I most cherish in this world. Sacred ceremonies performed in holy temples by the power of the priesthood have taught me that I don’t have to give that up in the next world, either.

I’ve cherished such sacred moments. In my study of the restored gospel, I see no reason why my wife and eventually my daughters can’t have similar experiences. I have read accounts of women in the Bible and in the early church exercising roles we culturally associate in our day with a male-only priesthood.

Especially since the birth of my daughters, I want them to feel equal in the church. I already know and love passages of scripture I plan to share with them as my wife and I work to teach them to be kind, conscientious, and brave. I want my daughters to enjoy all of the opportunities I’ve had, in their families, in their careers and in their spiritual lives in the church.

I believe that the church is led by revelation. It has been my personal experience that this revelation comes in response to honest and sincere questions, and that often the Lord leaves us to exercise our own judgment as we go about His business, only revealing His will when we ponder and ask.

I’m not sure how God, working through church leaders, might want ordination to look: perhaps women should hold the same priesthood offices and responsibilities as men. Perhaps there is a parallel priestesshood that has yet to be revealed. Or, perhaps the answer is something else entirely. I trust God will work out those details through church leaders. I would just love to hear more about that conversation.

I believe women should be ordained.