In my three years involved with Ordain Women, one of the greatest gifts is that I have met many wonderful people. I have made friends who mean enough to me that today I cannot imagine my life without them. They have challenged my thinking, taught me bravery, and inspired me with their faith. It has been a blessing.
As I count these blessings, one of those I cherish most is Bryndis Roberts. She and I have worked together on the Ordain Women board for more than a year and in that time, she has shown patience, love, and grace. I can always count on her to take time to work through a problem. I have never doubted her faith and devotion to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the children of our Heavenly Parents. And she has generously given her wisdom, insight, and support.
For these reasons and countless more, I am so pleased to see her take the helm as chair of the executive board for Ordain Women. After 18 months serving in this position, I can testify that it is demanding and heartbreaking, inspiring and exhausting. I have no doubt that Bryndis will rise to the challenge. And that she will then rise above it.
Please take a moment to meet Bryndis and then send a prayer to our Heavenly Parents on her behalf as she embarks on this new journey!
Bryndis Roberts is a proud alumna of Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia, the oldest college in the world chartered to grant degrees to women.
She was raised in the Black Baptist faith tradition and joined the LDS Church in January 2008. She has served as a Family History Consultant, Relief Society Teacher, Relief Society Second Counselor, Relief Society President, and Ward Welfare Specialist.
She is an attorney and has her own firm – Jenkins & Roberts LLC – where her law partner is her ex-husband, William Jenkins, who also happens to be her best friend. She is the mother of two strong, intelligent, and beautiful daughters, Jennifer Jenkins and Jessica Fay.
She is a lifelong Democrat and gladly accepts the labels of liberal and/or progressive. She is an active and vocal champion of voting rights and women’s reproductive freedom.
She is passionately interested in genealogy and her favorite vacation spots are any locations where there are lighthouses.
She joined the Ordain Women Executive Board in the fall of 2014. As she wrote in her profile: “As important as the work is, [she] cannot believe that it is the divine will that so many workers are not allowed to participate, fully and equally.”