I’m Deb from Ogden, Utah. I am lucky to be married to a wonderful man I don’t deserve and we have three great kids. I love movies, biking and swimming, and Neil Diamond! I am finishing a PhD in Communication and work for a non-profit organization that serves people with intellectual disabilities and I serve in the Relief Society Presidency.
I have been an active Mormon since I was 13: I came for Girl’s Camp and ended up staying for the gospel. The knowledge that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who love me gave me the courage and confidence to try just about anything, from competing in triathlons to parenting.
I have struggled with the role of women in our church since I came here as teen. Now that I have children of my own—a teenage son and two Primary-age daughters—I see this inequality in even more startling ways. It is increasingly difficult, with each passing year, for me to explain to my daughters why they will never be old enough to pass the sacrament. I want my daughters to be full and faithful servants: walking to collect fast-offerings or cleaning up the sacrament table after church. And I dream of standing next to my husband to give a parents’ blessing together.
I am a Mormon and I believe women should be ordained.
*Debra Jenson was released with the rest of her ward Relief Society presidency in 2013. She does not currently hold a calling.