My name is Nikki. I’m married and have a baby girl. I work at an architecture firm and have a background in urban planning. I like to eat sugar, bread, and drink corn syrup. Just kidding, maybe.
I was born and raised Mormon, with pioneer heritage. I attended BYU and served a mission. I was married in the Temple,and in the last 5 years I have served in the Relief Society Presidency, as a ward missionary, and a Sunday School teacher. I am a dedicated member that has given a lot of time, thought and effort to the church.
There is a divinity in the Gospel that I love being a part of. But there is gender inequality that makes me uncomfortable. After getting married in the temple and now as a new mother, I have felt this gender inequality even more. I don’t believe that the authority to act in the name of God is gender specific. What is the right way/process/procedure to go forward with ordaining women? I’m not sure.
But I do know that ‘separate but equal’ didn’t work for race, and I don’t believe it works for gender, either.