Hi, my name is Trey. I am 29 years old and was born into the church. I was active and held many callings in my youth as President of Deacon’s, Teacher’s, and Priest’s Quorum. I also served as a counselor in the Elder’s Quorum. I was married in the temple to my beautiful wife who is my equal or better in every way. It is very hard for me to see how my wife is treated in the church and Mormon culture. I know that she is just as qualified and caring as anyone I have ever met who has held the priesthood. The Mormon family model is archaic and does not reflect the reality that we live in. Women are capable of everything that men are and they should be included in the decisions that decide the future of the church. The faith and strength of the female members is great and they deserve the same rights that have been given to men. I love my wife, my sisters and my mother.
I believe women should be ordained.