Posted by on Mar 8, 2016 in Actions, Blog | 0 comments

Debra Jenson serves as chair of the Ordain Women executive board.

Image: black and white photo of suffragettes lined up in front of the White House

Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure and pain of hearing the stories of women whose hearts are broken with a desire to witness quintessential Mormon moments. These women want to witness baby blessings, baptisms, temple sealings, and worthiness interviews. People are telling me their stories when I meet them; people are handing me postcards with detailed memories; and people are sharing their stories on Facebook and Twitter. Women are ready to witness.

Today, I am excited to invite you all to witness something in person: the delivery of our postcards and stories to the Church Administration Building. Come with us on Friday, April 1st as we ask our leaders to accept these stories so that they can read them. Stand with us on April 2nd and 3rd as we hold space outside the Church Administration Building. You can RSVP here to let us know you will be there.

I look forward to standing there demonstrating with my body the sincere prayer of my heart to be counted as a capable witness. It would mean so much more to stand next to many of you who share that prayer.

Image: black and white photo of suffragettes lined up in front of the White House