Posted by on Feb 15, 2015 in Blog | 0 comments



Today’s Sunday Spotlight features OW supporter Lydia. Thank you Lydia, for opening up and sharing more of your story with us.

Who are you and what are you up to?
I work in Marketing. I’m a single mother of 1 girl. I enjoy reading and meeting new people. And I like being outside when the weather isn’t freezing.

What is your connection to Mormonism?
I was raised by converts who joined the church while in Uganda. Then we moved to Utah when I was young and I have mostly lived here, right smack dab in the midst of the Mormon corridor.

What are some of the things you love about the LDS church?
I remember always having loving adults take a sincere interest in my life through the Young Women’s program. And to this day, many of my best friends were brought to me by the church.

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What are some examples of inequality you see in the Church?
I think the single sisters experience a large degree of inequity because they do not have priesthood power. I think this contributes to a power play in the sexes that impacts dating and marriage experience. It leaves women at the mercy of men. It’s complicated, but it’s ultimately dangerous, frustrating, and damaging to place women in such an unbalanced dynamic.

In my years in the YSA and mid-singles wards, I’ve seen women in extreme loneliness encouraged to stay single lest they give in to the love of any man who isn’t a priesthood holder. I’ve seen women in terrible marriages encouraged to stay with their horrid husbands because they might otherwise never have the priesthood in their homes. I’ve seen the priesthood being used as a power play for men during dating. Aside from all of this, the statistics indicate that there really are far fewer priesthood holding males than there are worthy sisters.

I’ve seen women get used and exploited. Something I think is unfortunately similar to the way women got used and exploited in the early days of Mormonism.

I think these serious issues would be resolved with gender equality, including female ordination.

What prompted you to submit your profile?
Too many women I love are counting on this institution to look out for their best interest.

I had to submit a profile because I don’t think it can look out for these women’s best interest if women aren’t equal.

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What gives you hope?
My daughter. She is 8 and already recognizes inequality between genders. She asks huge questions and she will not be second class. I have an inkling that she is not alone.


Honoring our past,
Envisioning our future.