Posted by on Oct 15, 2014 in , | 0 comments

Hi, I’m Hannah. I’m a 23 year old mom of 2 darling little boys. When I was active in the church, I never really accepted that there were equality issues in the LDS Church. I truly believed that was how it was supposed to be. Earlier this year I discovered some things in church history that didn’t sit well with me and I decided that I could no longer attend and participate in church. That helped me have a more open mind to the event that would follow.

Shortly after leaving, I found out that Kate Kelly was to have a disciplinary council for her role in Ordain Women. The more I learned about that process for women compared to men, the more I started to really see the inequality for what it was. Not just with disciplinary councils but in everything.

I made this profile for my boys, who I will teach to respect and treat women as their equals and so they can see that their mom isn’t afraid to speak up for what’s right. I made this profile because I believe my LDS sisters deserve equal treatment in the LDS Church. I believe women should be ordained.