Posted by on Nov 23, 2014 in , | 0 comments

My name is Krystal. I was raised by loving parents who taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ. My parents encouraged and stressed my worth as a strong, independent woman which has only blessed my life. With this frame of mind I have achieved higher education, met and married a man  who understands his worth as a man and respects my worth as a woman , and is aiding me in raising three feisty children!  I have held many of the callings women are permitted to hold in the Church and have always been eager to serve in any capacity.

The first time I was introduced to the idea of the ordination of women was by my husband a couple years ago. He whole heartedly believes women will one day be ordained. I scoffed at the idea and spouted back the rhetoric that I was trained to give: “I don’t want the priesthood…I’m busy enough… We have different roles…I don’t need the priesthood…I have motherhood, men have the priesthood.” However, that little seed planted and soon began to take root as I searched, pondered and prayed on the issue.

One of things I love most about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is our ability to receive individual revelation from our Heavenly Parents. After praying, searching, and pondering I have had it confirmed to me that women should hold the priesthood and that we will one day hold that sacred power. The current stance on women and the priesthood is not doctrine (as it does not stem from ancient scripture or modern revelation) and is just a tradition. It has been a long journey since my husband first planted the seed (one that I am sure is far from over), and has brought me to understand and differentiate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the organization of the Church. The Gospel is perfect and created by God. The Church is man-made and subject to flaws and prejudices. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is what I strive to implement in my life and teach my children.

While I love and celebrate the physical differences between men and women, I know our Heavenly Parents have no intention of segregating the spiritual and temporal opportunities and progression of their children. The priesthood is quite literally the Power of God and each worthy child of our Heavenly Parents are entitled to be blessed by the priesthood—having the opportunity to both hold and bless others and be blessed by it. I know that my worth as a woman is great in the eyes of the Lord and that I am a valued daughter of my Heavenly Parents and hope that the Church will recognize that one day as well. I want my children to know that their Heavenly Parents love them and are giving each and every one of them, regardless of their gender, every spiritual opportunity to return to them. I know women should be ordained.

Krystal’s husband Booker is also a profile-holder.  Read his profile here.