Posted by on Mar 16, 2013 in , | 0 comments

I was born and raised in Alaska by faithful, Mormon parents. I started college at BYU-Idaho and graduated with my masters degree from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. In school I studied international health and worked for the LDS Church’s Humanitarian Division at Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City before moving to Boston.

I was born and raised Mormon and believe that women should be ordained. Having participated in international public health work in Ghana and Nepal, I have seen the impact that women have, or don’t have, in a community. I have seen women be the rock that others lean on for counsel, support, and leadership outside and inside the home. And I have seen women be dismissed and ignored, being told to “know their place.” When women are limited from fully participating in a community or culture, whether religious, political, or otherwise, there is stagnation. A culture may condition women to accept the limitations given to them, but that culture will never be whole, complete, or Zion without the full and unconditional involvement of all its people.

I believe that women should be ordained.