Posted by on Jul 16, 2014 in , | 0 comments

Hi, I’m Patricia.

Raised in the Mormon Church, I felt compelled to leave in 1966 after approaching the ward bishopric with questions concerning sexism (I did not know this word then) in the Church. Threatened with excommunication, I accepted that choice rather than the indignity of inequality of rights I experienced as a female in the Church.

I have had a successful career as a music teacher and taught internationally. I attended BYU and other universities, earning Masters Degrees in Music and English Literature. I also raised two lovely daughters who are professionals in their fields. We turned to Unitarian Universalism for our church home during their childhood.

I recently attended my father’s funeral in my childhood LDS ward. When one of my cousins who has been a lifetime faithful LDS member rose to speak, I observed what a fine bishop she would have made. Her convert husband, alas, did not have her leadership qualities. Yet, after a year of Church membership, had been appointed to the bishopric in their home ward.

Now I am 68 years old. I read in the New York Times about the Ordain Women movement and realize I may never know how many other women in my generation were turned away from their LDS Church home due to interpretation of scripture and patriarchal tradition.

If the LDS ordination of women succeeds as it already has in so many other Christian denominations, I will celebrate, especially for all the little Mormon girls who will become truly equal in the eyes not only of God but their brothers and sisters in the Church. I believe women should be ordained.