Posted by on Nov 1, 2013 in , , , | 0 comments

Meu nome é Deborah. Não estou mais ativa na igreja a algum tempo. Sofri muito por ser mulher e sozinha na igreja. Meus pais não são da igreja, nem é nenhum familiar meu. Se eu fosse portadora do sacerdócio com certeza teria me fortalecido muito, muito mais. Penso em voltar a igreja quando estiver preparada.

No Brasil é muito dificil achar alguem que pense assim, as proprias mulheres acham loucura isso. Não é loucura, temos direitos também. Somos mulheres e temos que nos ajudar nessa jornada, que ainda vai ser longa.

English Translation:

My name is Deborah. I’m no longer active in the church, and haven’t been for some time now. I suffered a lot, both because I was a woman and because I was alone in the church–my parents aren’t members, and neither are any of my relatives. I think that if I had been a priesthood holder, I’m certain that ordination would have strengthened me much, much more. I still think about coming back to church one day when I am ready.

In Brazil it is very hard to find someone who thinks like me–even sisters in the church think my opinions are a bit out there. But they aren’t–we as women have rights, too. We are all women and we have to help each other in this journey, because there is still a long road ahead.