Posted by on Oct 23, 2015 in Blog, News | 0 comments


The recent essays on Heavenly Mother and Women and the Priesthood reveal a much more complicated and nuanced history for women and authority in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints than has previously been offered by the Church. We are pleased to see our leaders engaging with these important topics, but recognize that there are still many unanswered questions. We look forward to future revelations regarding Heavenly Mother and the ordination of women.

We long for more information about our Heavenly Mother and greater gender inclusivity in our worship. She is a divine model we seek to emulate and we hope for a future reunion. While temple blessings promise future access to priesthood for women, we are concerned that barring women from ordination denies them full opportunity to prepare for future responsibilities.

Most importantly, the historical context of priesthood must inform but cannot limit present day conversations. We have seen the continual expansion of priesthood authority and access since the apostles of Jesus Christ began carrying His message forward. That expansion has brought about a great and marvelous work – the growth of the church and spread of the gospel. LDS concepts of priesthood and divinity were decades in development, with definitions, roles, practices, and cosmologies all evolving as the Saints practiced their faith and sought greater knowledge from God. Imagine what could happen were we to extend this power and authority to all women of the church. All we need to do is ask.

Honoring our Past,
Envisioning our Future.